Just a gurl


Archive for adoption

2 1/2 Months

From there…

Ava at almost two weeks with the bunny from her birth mom. In Idaho. Waiting for the green light to fly *home*.

This photo is with her bunny, Amorae,  from her birth mom. We took the photo about a week after she was born while we were waiting for the green light to fly her from Idaho to California.

One morning we heard a voice from Ava’s bedroom.We thought it was strange because we weren’t aware of any of her stuffed toys having sound. When we entered her room, we found our little Westie dog, Dexter, with the bunny. He always tries to play with her toys. That is how we learned when you squeeze the bunny’s hand, her birth mom’s voice says, “Hi Ava. I love you.”

Talk about an emotional moment. We love her birth mom and we know how much her birth mom loves her. That morning I could not stop crying. There’s been so much sacrifice on both ends–all for the love of one very special little girl.

to here…

Ava at 2 1/2 months in Cali.

Fast forward to the present. The second photo was taken just this past weekend, here in California, the place we call home. Ava is now over 2 1/2 months and changing so fast! She’s doubled in weight. She’s smiling and cooing. She smiles and cackles at herself in the mirror. Grandma Cathy said she is turned from her back to her side today more than once. It’s amazing how much she has grown already and it’s amazing how much our lives have changed. I’m loving every single minute.

Every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with her. Every day I feel like I’m in a dream, but she’s here. She’s really here! She came just when I was about to give up on being a mom and thought maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for me. We went through a lot of trials and failures with infertility, and at least one previous adoption attempt. And now there’s nothing else that I can believe except the reason we were not successful all those times is everything had to fall right into place for Ava to be here *now* with us.